Volume 1 Issue 1
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page No | View | ||
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Title : Rotor Currents Command of The Doubly Fed Induction Generator Used in The Wind Energy Authors : Abdelali AARIB, Abdelhadi EL MOUDDEN, Widad DRIOUICH, Angel SCIPIONI
Abstract :
The command of the doubly fed induction generator by the rotor currents plays a key role in the control of the stator active and reactive powers, So the concept of the command rests on the precise control of the rotor currents closed-loop, the implementation of this command allows to check the doubly fed induction generator used in the wind energy with the possibility of working in a loop of power open to the exit of this command which is represented by the exit of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), Regulators PI used are simple and precise regulators, this type of control of the rotor currents closed-loop adjusts the sliding of DFIG what gives a good adjustment of the stator powers and rotor powers generated by the DFIG, the compensation of the terms of coupling is made by the synthesis of all the regulators PI used in the command. The role of these regulators PI is the control of the stator active and reactive powers and the compensation of the cyclic rotor inductance and the cyclic stator inductance. |
01-08 |
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Title : Polarizabilities of Push-Pull Carbon Nanotubes: Semi-Empirical PM6 Study Authors : Nouar Sofiane LABIDI , Zineb KABIER
Abstract :
A series of push-pull armchair (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotubes (D-CNTs-NO2) saturated with hydrogen at the ends have been studied using semi-empirical PM6 methods. As a result, it is found that the polarizability strongly depends on the strength of Π-electron donor substituent. Particularly, for both static and dynamic polarizabilities the largest increment of Δα is seen to be due to - NMe2 donor group (Δα =100 a.u.). Miller QSAR-polarizability, empirical models based on molecular volumes(Vm) and electrons number (Ne) correlate well (R>0.97) with PM6 polarizabilities results. |
09-12 |
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Title : Age-Incidence of Breast Cancer: Artificial Neural Networks Modeling Authors : Bouharati K., Bouaoud S., Amarane M.,Mahnane A., Boucenna N., Bouharati S., Hamdi-Cherif M.
Abstract :
Background: As age is the major factor on breast cancer incidence. The majority of women presenting with breast cancer it are not possible to identify specific risk factors. In terms of medical safety, the parameters affect breast cancer, are characterized by their complexity. They become less amenable to direct mathematical modeling based on physical laws since they may be distributed, stochastic, non-linear and time-varying, uncertain, etc. The purpose of our study is to develop an analytical model of breast cancer progression of the age of patients in over two decades. Like several factors involved in the process and that are far from circumvented beings, due to their complexity, it becomes necessary to have a suitable methodology for the analysis of these variables. Methods: The basic principles of artificial neural networks are perfectly suited to this process. As input variables, we consider we consider the number of registered women on five groups with functions of their ages and this over a period from 1990 to 2007 in Setif region - Algeria. The age of women breast cancer concerned is formulated and applied using MATLAB simulation for the system. Results: The result output variable shows that 1998 is representative averaged for entire period in terms of age of the cases analyzed. The superposition of test values ​​and those learning is a proof of the validity and accuracy of the predictive model. Conclusions: Based on data from past decades and assuming that the same conditions persist in large proportions; this may be a predictive model. The measures will be taken for limiting it. |
13-15 |
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Title : Maxwell’s Electrodynamics in Curved Space-Time Authors : Yuriy N. Zayko
Abstract :
This article discusses some of the issues concerning the interaction of material particles with electromagnetic radiation. The investigation is based on solution of the Maxwell-Einstein equations. Basically four issues were explored: (i) A contribution in the ponderomotive force acting onto the probe particle which is determined by the curvature of space-time metric induced by the spherical electromagnetic wave; (ii) A metric which corresponds to the gravitational field created together by a massive source and an electromagnetic wave; (iii) A stability of the electromagnetic vacuum near space-time horizons; (iv) A real topology of space-time. The two last questions involve the non-wave solutions of the Maxwell-Einstein equations. We discuss also the loss of information accompanying the process of transformation a converging spherical electromagnetic wave into a diverging one.
16-19 |
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Title : Evaluation of Bacteriological Parameters of Water Quality in The Bouregreg Estuary Along the Moroccan Atlantic Coast Authors : M. El Amraoui , M. Tarbaoui , J. Benba , B. El Amraoui , T. Bamhaoud , N. Lazrak , M. Monkade
Abstract :
On the Morrocan Atlantic coast, the Bouregreg estuary was submitted to many anthropic effects. After the dam Sidi Mohammed ben Abdellah was built in 1974, the flow became almost null. The waters of the estuary are meant for recreational activities, fishing, but at the same time they receive water collecting domestic and industrial wastewater. The waste in old landfills was not treated and leaked into the river water. The matter gets worse with the action of tides which make it difficult to escape the pollution load (physicochemical, bacteriological, heavy metals, etc.). The main objective of this study is to monitor the bacteriological quality of the surface waters from Bouregreg estuary (Moroccan Atlantic coast). The bacteriological parameters were determined upstream (S1, S2 and S3) and downstream (S4, S5 and S6) of the Bouregreg estuary. The parameters studied are fecal coliform (FC), fecal streptococci (FS), Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The evaluation of the bacterial contamination of the studied water samples shows that the rate of contamination by fecal coliforms is very high in station S3 compared to other stations. This is explained by the emplacement of this station which is located next to a main rejection of Oued Akrach. The bacterial loads are maximal in this station: 7 103 CF/100ml for fecal coliforms and 2 103 SF/100ml for fecal streptococci. The ratio values (CF/SF) for the different stations show that the fecal pollution observed at the studied estuary is of mixed origin with human dominance. The search for pathogenic bacteria namely Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, was negative for all the studied samples. |
20-23 |
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