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Volume 15 Issue 3

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Title : Influence Of Participatory Monitoring And Evaluation Systems on Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations Projects In Kiambu County

Authors : David Waiyaki, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf

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Both NGOs and CBOs have a systematic and transparent process for identification, field appraisal, and undertake technical and fiduciary monitoring of the work of such NGOs/CBOs to supply prevention and care and support services to the target community. They do not have a concrete source of financing as their funds mainly come from corporates, celebrities, and the society backed by elite people. Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) is a process of self-assessment, collective knowledge generation, and cooperative action in which stakeholders in a program or intervention substantively and collaboratively identify the monitoring and evaluation issues, collect and analyze data, and take action as a result of what they learn through this process. This study investigated the influence of participatory monitoring and evaluation on the performance of NGOs projects in Kiambu county. Specifically, the study focused on ICT integration and M&E Capacity as components of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation and their influence on performance of NGOs projects in Kiambu county. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The target population was 147 NGOs in Kiambu county. A sample of 108 NGOs was drawn where 108 respondents comprising of project managers and M&E officers were administered with questionnaires The study found that participatory monitoring and evaluation had a strong correlation with performance of NGOs in Kiambu County.  The study found that participatory monitory and evaluation explained 68.7% of variation in performance of NGOs. The study found ICT integration and M&E Capacity had significant positive correlation with performance of NGOs in Kiambu county. The regression results indicated that ICT integration had positive significant influence with performance of NGOs while M&E Capacity had positive insignificant influence with performance of NGOs in Kiambu County.  The study concluded that ICT integration positively and significantly influenced performance of NGOs projects in Kiambu County. The study recommended NGOS to fully embrace participatory monitoring and evaluation in order to improve performance. The study also recommended capacity building of M&E staff; effective project planning; integration and adoption of technology in M&E; and ensuring there is stakeholder participation in PM&E.


Title : Work Life Balance Practices and Employee Performance in Insurance Companies in Kenya: A Case of APA Insurance Company

Authors : Jennifer Wanjiru Muchungi, Dr. Mary Omondi

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Work life balance is considered to be a fundamental element in ensuring sustainability of any business as it is concerned on the quality of life of every employee. The COVID 19 era provided a good indicator on the importance of work life balance as the boundaries between personal life and work were blurred. Work Life Balance covers an employee’s feelings about all aspects of work including working conditions, interpersonal and organizational relationships, benefits and economic, security its value in a personal life. The study main objective is to examine the influence of work life balance and employees’ performance at APA insurance company in Kenya. The study specifically focused on: Job design and Flexible Work schedule and their influence on employees’ performance- at APA. The study was guided by work life border theory and job characteristics theory. The study targeted the three units of APA insurance company i.e. general, brokers, and life insurance where 914 employees formed the unit of observation.  A sample of 278 respondents was drawn from the target population. The study conducted both descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS. From the multiple regression the study found that Flexible Work Schedule had significant influence on employee performance at APA insurance company while Job Design had insignificant influence on employee performance at APA insurance company. The study also established that work life balance practices had weak positive correlation with employee performance (.433). The work life balance practices in this study (Job design and Flexible Work Schedule) explained 18.7% of variations in employee performance. The study recommended the establishment of policies to enhance work life balance practices at APA insurance in order to improve on employee performance and productivity. The study also recommended for a similar study to be done to ascertain the current findings. The results were presented in tables and figures and later discussed.


Title : Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption and Performance of Small and Medium E-Commerce Enterprises in Nairobi County

Authors : Brian Ruto Cheptumo, Dr. Benard Lango

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Cloud computing presents an opportunity for organizations to leverage affordable, scalable, and agile technologies. However, even with the demonstrated value of cloud computing, organizations have been hesitant to adopt such technologies. Access to a shared pool of programmable computer resources, along with pay-as-you-go services, are just some of the benefits of cloud computing. The main objective of the study was to examine the determinants of cloud computing adoption and performance of small and medium electronic commerce enterprises in Nairobi, Kenya. Specifically, the study investigated the influence of technological readiness and determined the influence of Comprehensive advantages of cloud computing adoption and performance of electronic commerce enterprises in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was underpinned by Technology Organization Environment Model and the Technology Acceptance Model.  The study targeted 119 online e-commerce enterprises in Nairobi. A sample of 91 online e-commerce enterprises was drawn. The study conducted both descriptive and inferential analysis. The inferential analysis found that the determinants of cloud computing in this study i.e. Technological readiness and Comprehensive advantage had strong correlation (r = .773) with performance of E-commerce enterprises in Nairobi County. Specifically, Technological Readiness also had positive significant influence with performance of E-commerce enterprises; and Comprehensive Advantage also had a positive significant influence on performance of E-commerce enterprises. The study recommended for increased awareness on cloud computing to enable E-commerce enterprises understand the benefits of cloud computing in their business to improve performance.  The study will be useful to E-commerce entrepreneurs, Cloud service providers, IT experts and the general public. 


Title : Stakeholders Management and Performance of Last Mile Connectivity Project in Elgeyo-Marakwet County

Authors : Evans Kipngetich Cheserek, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf

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Stakeholders strongly influence the outcome of projects especially in complex projects with heterogeneous stakeholders, thus understanding their influence is essential to ensure project success and attainment of objectives. Elgeyo-Marakwet County projects involve a lot of stakeholders whose interests need to be met to ensure the company is successful with its projects and to enable it to provide reliable services to its customers. This study sought to understand how various stakeholders in the industry affect the performance of the Last mile connectivity project in Elgeyo Marakwet County. The study examined: Stakeholder risk management; project leadership; Stakeholder project planning; and Stakeholder project monitoring and how they affect the performance of last mile connectivity projects in Elgeyo Marakwet County.  The study was guided by the Stakeholder theory, complexity and chaos theory, contingency theory of risk, and agency theory. Descriptive survey design will be adopted to conduct the study in Elgeyo Marakwet county, Kenya. The study population comprised of 43 projects where 109 people inclusive of project engineers, project managers, Connectivity officers and clerks, Technicians officers, county project representative officers, Local chiefs and local leaders, project contractors, County top management in Elgeyo-Marakwet region form the population. A census was used for the study. The questionnaire was the main tool for data collection where a drop and pick method was adopted by the researcher to ensure that all the respondents were administered with the questionnaires. The study aimed at establishing the relationship between stakeholder management and performance of last mile connectivity project in Elgeyo Marakwet County. The correlation analysis established that Stakeholder Risk Management, Stakeholder Project Planning, had significant positive strong correlation with performance of last mile projects in Elgeyo Marakwet County. The regression analysis established that all the independent variables had positive relationship with performance of last mile projects. They all influence performance by varied degree (Stakeholder Risk Management by 42.4%, Stakeholder Project Planning by 27.1%, Project Leadership by 45.7% and Stakeholder Project Monitoring by 49.7%). The study recommended that involvement of stakeholder in planning, monitoring, and risk management process. The study also recommended project managers to ensure participatory monitoring and planning where all stakeholders are involved. The study also recommended a similar study in other counties to ascertain the current findings.


Title : Strategic Planning and Performance of National Governemnt Affirmative Action Fund in Kenya

Authors : Viridiana Namung’oma Wasike, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf

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The Government of Kenya has made tremendous progress in addressing gender equality and women empowerment. The country has a very progressive constitution which promotes women economic empowerment. The National Government Affirmative Action Fund which falls under the Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action was enacted through Legal Notice No.24 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 and published on 13th February 2015. The Fund is a product of our Constitution in support of the Government’s commitment to putting in place measures to redress past disadvantages among certain segments of our population. The study's main objective is to assess the strategic planning process and its impact on the performance of the National Government Affirmative Action Fund in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to; examine the influence of Capacity Building; and determine the influence of Technology Innovation on performance of NGAAF in Kenya. The study was guided by the dynamic capabilities’ theory. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The target population was 3 representatives for the 47 counties (141) as key respondents comprising of National and county management representatives with operational technical mandate. Since the population is small but adequate, a census survey was conducted. Questionnaire was the main tool for collecting primary data. From the regression analysis the study found that Capacity Building was found to have an insignificant positive influence on performance of NGAAF in Kenya. The study also concluded that Capacity Building had insignificant influence on performance of NGAAF in Kenya. the study established relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. On capacity building more coaching, trainings, workshops, and implementation supports such as check inns should be done with well-trained individuals that understand the best practices in building capacity. Finally, on Technology integration, the study recommends on organization to fully embrace technology in order to improve communication with customers, receive more feedbacks, and also ensure organizational resources can be accessed at the convenience.


Title : Risk Management Strategies and Performance of Africa Medical Research and Foundation Projects in Kenya

Authors : Enock Morwani Nyakweba, Dr. Muchelule Yusuf

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Organizations or projects regardless of their field and size can benefit from integrating a systematic plan to deal with potential risks using a risk management strategy. Risk management strategy allows to continuously assess and respond to risks to ensure the project or organization is safe from threats. The risk management strategy that is adopted determines the capability to manage effectively each risk in the project or the organization or whether the choice will be disastrous. Depending on nature of the given risk, the choice made by the project manager is based on many options though the same action may not be a solution to every risk. This study aimed to examine the influence of risk management strategies on performance of Africa Medical Research Foundation’s projects in Kenya. The study specifically examined the influence of the risk strategies of: avoidance, transfer, acceptance and reduction on performance of AMREF projects in Kenya. Descriptive survey design was adopted where a total of 131 project team members in AMREF projects in Siaya county were targeted and a sample of 99 respondents will be drawn using Yamane formula. The questionnaire was the main data collection instrument comprising of closed and open-ended questions. The study found that there is a positive joint strong correlation between Risk Management Strategies (Risk Avoidance Strategy, Risk Reduction Strategy) with performance of AMREF development Projects. Risk Reduction Strategy had a strong positive significant (p =.0000, r =.792) relationship with performance of AMREF development projects in Kenya.  The variable also had significant coefficients of estimate (β2 = .607, p-value = .000 < .05, r = .792). Risk Reduction Strategy significantly influence performance of AMREF development projects in Kenya by .792 or 79.2%. In regards to Risk Reduction Strategy. Risk Retention Strategy had a positive, significant, and strong correlation (r = 0.499; p<0.004) with performance of AMREF development projects in Kenya.  Risk Retention Strategy had a strong positive significant (p = .002, r = .644) relationship with performance of AMREF development projects in Kenya.  The coefficients of estimate were also significant (β3 = .715, p-value = .002 < .05, r =.644). Risk Retention Strategy significantly influence performance of AMREF development projects by .644 or 64.4%.


Title : Strategic Leadership and Digital Land Management System Implementation in Tana River County, Kenya

Authors : Zainab Shone Omar, Dr. Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha

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Many obstacles in public service delivery have been overcome through the use of technology.  Kenya's government has made major investments in land management digitization in order to address recurring challenges and provide a favorable economic environment for land transactions and management. While the Ardhisasa policy attempts to enhance land management and administration in Kenya by guaranteeing secure property rights, promoting efficient land use, and improving access to land for development, the implementation of this new system is fraught with difficulties. Therefore, this study examined strategic leadership and digital land management system implementation in Tana River County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to examine stakeholder involvement, management competencies, ethical practices and communication and implementation of Digital Land Management System in Tana River County. The study was anchored on stakeholder theory. The study targeted employees in Ministry of Land and Physical Planning and the National Land Commission in Tana River County. The study used stratified random sampling to select respondents. The inferential results revealed that the effect of stakeholder involvement on implementation of digital land management system in Tana River County is strong, positive and significant. Inferential results also showed that management competencies and implementation of digital land management system in Tana River County Kenya have positive and significant association. The study suggests that in order for Tana River County and other counties in Kenya to realize improved implementation of digital land management system, improved stakeholder involvement practices are required.


Title : Strategic Management Practices And Organizational Performance Of Kilifi County Government, Kenya

Authors : Umul Khultum Aden, Dr. Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha

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Strategic management is the control of an organization's resources for the purpose of achieving its goals and objectives. Methods for strategic leadership include both the science and the art of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional choices that assist a company achieve its stated objectives. The foundation of strategic practice is the obvious notion that tactics must be linked to strategy and strategic objectives. This entails determining the decisions that businesses must make in order to meet this challenge while also being effective in the short term The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of strategic management practices on organisational performance of Kilifi County government, Kenya. The study specific objectives were to determine the influence of strategic planning and strategic leadership on organisational performance of Kilifi County government, Kenya. The study used the system theory and results-based theory. A descriptive design for research was used for the investigation.  The target population was all county directors from Kilifi County's 13 departments. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Primary and secondary data was gathered. Stratified random sampling was used to arrive at a study sample of size of 45.  Collection of primary data was conducted using questioners presented in Likert scale. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analysis of data collected. Inferential statistics was used to determine the strength of relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study results revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between strategic management practices (strategic planning, strategic leadership) and organisational performance of Kilifi County government, Kenya. The study therefore concluded that an increase in each of the strategic management practices would lead to an increase in organisational performance of Kilifi County government, Kenya. The study recommends that Kilifi County government has to develop and implement an effective plan that matches the desired organizational structure and that includes resource organization to improve county government performance.
