Volume 10 Issue 4
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Title : Acute and Sub acute Toxicity Studies of Pterocarpus Erinaceus in Rats
Authors : Ajayi Victoria Folashade, Uguru Mary
Abstract :
AIMS- To evaluate the acute and subacute toxicity of methanolic leaf extract of pterocarpus erinaceus in Albino Rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS --- Acute oral toxicity study of methanolic leaf extract were carried out by administration of 10,100, 1000, 1600, 2900, and 5000mg/kg bodyweight to rats.Sub-acute toxicity study was conducted according to the OECD guideline were the first group of rats served as the control group while the other three groups were given Pterocarpus erinaceus extract at doses of 250, 500, 1000 mg/kg for a period of 28 days after which biochemical and histological studies were carried out. RESULTS---In acute toxicity study no mortality or any behavioural changes and extract was found to be safe up to 5000mg/kg. In the subchronic study no mortality or morbidity, no significant changes in weight of the rats. A slight significant decrease in cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, no significant change in triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, haematological parameters and indices when compared to control group. Increase in ALT, ALP at lower doses while at higher dose there was a decrease. No significant difference in serum protein, urea and creatinine. The histological studies of the organs (liver ,kidney and heart showed no distortion in architectural structure at lower doses but there was a slight distortion at higher doses. CONCLUSION----- The present study indicate that this extract is safe for human consumption and its has ability to lower the lipid profile which may be good for both hypertensive and diabetic patients. |
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Title : Early Dylipidaemia in Preganacy and the Risk of Pre-Eclampsia: A Longitudinal Study of African Gravid Women
Authors : Ganiyu O. Adeosun, Mabel A. Charles Davies, Omobola A. Ogundahunsi, Jaye Ogunlewe, Ibrahim S. Bello, Tonia Chidinma Onyeneke
Abstract :
Background: Preeclampsia and eclampsia, are the frequent and global obstetrics and gynaecology emergencies in the care of gravid women particularly in African women. Research efforts to identify predictors for recognizing pregnancy that will come down with preeclampsia is still a continuum, yet no single or combination of indices have absolute predictive potential for diagnosing preeclampsia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the predictive potentials of sequential alterations of plasma lipids and to determine the gestation age at which dyslipidemia became pathologic to suspect the onset of preeclampsia in gravid African women.
Study design: This is a longitudinal study conducted in two phases at the antenatal clinics of a Tertiary hospital. The first Phase was semi-longitudinal and cross-sectional which involved 79 pre-eclamptic and 80 normotensive pregnancy respectively recruited at 3rd trimester but followed up to 3days post-partum. The second phase was a full longitudinal study comprising 10 preeclamptic and 20 normotensive healthy pregnant women recruited from the first trimester of pregnancy but were observed up to six weeks post-delivery. Methods: Plasma samples from K2+ EDTA anti-coagulated blood obtained from the preeclamptic and normotensive gravid women at each trimester and postpartum were assayed for lipid profile. which included Triglyceride, Total–Cholesterol, HDL- Cholesterol by an enzymatic method. VLDL-Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol values were calculated. Result: We recorded a sequential and steady increase in all the lipid fractions in both study and controls subjects with the progression in gestation age. Dyslipidaemia was significant (p<0.001) in the preeclamptics at 10.9th week of gestation relative to the controls. Triglyceride alterations became significant (p<0.001) and pathologic to speculate the development of preeclampsia at 10.9th week of gestation (ODS=29.952, CI=1.046-857.998@P<0.04. The lipids regressed significantly to almost pre-pregnancy values at 6 weeks postpartum. Conclusion: Physiologic alterations of plasma lipids in early pregnancy can become pathologic to precipitate preeclampsia. Dyslipidaemia and alteration of cardiac risk ratio does not put gravid women at the risk of atherosclerosis. |
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Title : Assessment of Knowledge and Compliance with Covid-19 Safety Precautions and Protocols In Federal Medical Centre Bida, Niger State-Nigeria
Authors : Ajayi Abraham Dare, Gaknung Bonji Kopdimma, Gotodok Kopdima Hosea, Shaba Victoria Ladi, Okpe Cletus O
Abstract :
BACKGROUND; COVID 19 is a new disease, and many of the details of its spread are still under investigation. It spreads easily between people more easily than influenza but not as easily as measles, although it can be prevented with strict adherence to safety precautions and protocols especially in hospital settings. AIM OF THE STUDY: The main aim of this study is to assess the level of knowledge of COVID-19, ascertain the available safety precautions and protocols as well as its compliance rate among staff of FMC Bida Niger State – Nigeria. METHODS: Descriptive survey design particularly cross-sectional survey design was used in the study. The population of study comprises of all staff of Federal Medical Centre Bida, Niger State whose total population is One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Three (1,683) as at the time of data collection. There are 1,683 staff in federal medical center Bida, out of which 323 respondents were drawn to participate in the study by using multi-stage sampling technique and Yamane’s (2000) sample size formula. Semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire was organized into sections A-D. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22 and presented using frequency distribution tables and expressed as percentages. RESULT: The result of this study revealed that significant large number of staff 219 (85.2%) have good knowledge of COVID-19, while 36 (14.0%) and 2 (0.8%) have fair and poor knowledge respectively. In term of available COVID-19 safety precautions and protocol put in place by the management of FMC Bida, the results revealed that majority of the staff 180 (70.0%) strongly agreed that there are preventive protocols such as hand washing points, isolation rooms for suspected cases, compulsory wearing of face mask and social distancing protocols in the hospital except PPEs which are under supply to the staff. The results on compliance rate of staff to the available COVID-19 safety precautions and protocols revealed that about half of the respondents 120 (46.7%) do not comply with the outline protocols by the hospital management. CONCLUSION: The study concludes that good knowledge of COVID-19 with availability and compliance to safety precautions and protocols as directed by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control is key to the prevention and spread of COVID-19 in the hospital settings. It was recommended that there is high need for all staff especially those in clinical departments to comply with the available safety precautions and protocols of COVID-19 in the hospital and beyond to minimize spread of the disease and the hospital management should provide adequate PPEs to both clinical non-clinical staff. |
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Title : Knowledge and Use of Micronutrient Supplementation among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Visit at Federal Medical Centre, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Authors : Dr Abraham Dare Ajayi, Gotodok Kopdima Hosea, Gaknung Bonji Kopdimma, Daniel Cletus Okpe, Udeh Peter Adah, AziBulus Samuel, Dauda Esther Dung, Tsado Dufya Serah
Abstract :
Background -Approximately two billion people, the majority being women and young children, are affected, by micronutrient deficiencies, with even higher rates during pregnancy causing adverse outcome in mother and child. This adverse effect can be mitigated by nutritional interventions like micronutrient supplementation. Aim of the study This study aim at assessing knowledge and use of micronutrient supplements among pregnant women attending Federal Medical Centre, Bida. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, comprising of a sample size of 381 respondents. A structured questionnaire was utilized in data collection which lasted for six weeks period and data analysis was done using SPSS version 22 Result The findings revealed that most (67.9) of the respondents were between the ages of 21-30, 46.7% were 4-6 gestational age, 49.6% were secondary certificate holders, 41.5% were traders while majority (53.5%) practice Islam. majority(91.3%) of the respondents are aware of routine micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy with Iron (fersolate) (94.4%), Folic acid (91.8%), Vitamin D (52.5%), Vitamin A (80.1%) and Vitamin C (86.6%) as routine drugs (micronutrients) in pregnancy. Most (74.0%) of the respondents use routine micronutrients and (65.6%) use them on daily basis. Fear of side effects of drugs (52.5%), cultural belief (78.7%), forgetfulness (50.2%), tired of taking the routine drugs (76.1%) and attitudes of health care providers (86.8%) were the factors as reported by the respondents that affects their use of routine drugs supplementation in pregnancy. Conclusion The study concludes that significant knowledge of routine micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy andadherence to the use of the routine micronutrient is key to prevention of deficiencies(anemia, spina bifida low birth weight among others) associated with non-adherence.it was recommended that Health personnel should place more emphasize on explaining the danger associated with non-compliance to the use of routine micronutrients supplements on the developing fetus and baby during health education at antenatal visit, Health personnel should be friendly to women on antenatal visit as this will enhance their use of routine micronutrients supplements, and the Government should always ensure that routine micronutrient supplements are readily available, accessible and affordable to all women of child bearing age. |
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Title : Towards an Adequate Framework for Academic Workspace Evaluation: How Academics are affected by Environments for Work
Authors : Adenipekun Martins Taiwo, Ajibola Mayowa Olusola, Oluwunmi Adedamola Olufunke
Abstract :
This paper explores user-centred variables in academic work environments as it affects job performance with a view to generating holistically adequate Academic Workspace Evaluation (AWE) framework for universities. The paper considers the trends of evolutionary changes in academics in recent time, technological impact of emerging academic activities, shifting barriers in frontiers of knowledge-based work, utilisation of research findings beyond territorial limitations, and the need for standardisation of Academic Workspace. Consequently, a broad-review of literature on variables that underpins adequate academic workspace environments towards users-satisfaction for effective and productive work conduct is carried out. The paper identifies three basic units of academic work environments and the variables identified in each unit were grouped accordingly for ease of analysis: the organisation culture environment, the employees’ work environment and the academic workspace environment. The academic workspace environment is made of two integral parts: the physical internal environmental condition and the furniture ergonomic comfort environment of the workspace. Differences in culture, ethics, system, process, modes and pattern of work operations, purpose and objectives between university organisations create difficulty to generating a holistic universal user-centred AWE framework. The framework is context-based designed to accommodate local contents within the conventional structure arrangement of respective universities. This will provide an adequate Academic Workspace Benchmark Standard (AWBS) for use in universities globally. |
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Title : Land Suitability Classification for Millet Production in Katsina State, Northwest, Nigeria Authors : Sani Abdullahi, Roslan Ismail, Syaharudin Zaibon, Nordin Ahmad, Samaila Sani Noma
Abstract :
Land suitability is a function of soil characteristics and crop requirement. It involves the evaluation and grouping of specific areas of land in terms of their suitability for defined agricultural use. Factors such as soil characteristics, climatic condition, topography (terrain), rainfall, erosion etc. Henceforth, matching the land characteristics with the crop requirements provides suitability index in the form of ranks which are fundamental for sustainable agricultural practices. The main objective of the research was focused on GIS techniques for land suitability assessment and subsequently determine physical-chemical-climatic risk (to improve millet yield) in millet production for sustainable farming. This paper presents the land suitability for millet production in Katsina State (Nigeria). A total of fifty-five (55) soil samples were collected at the depth of 0-30cm, air-dried, gently crushed, and sieved through 2mm for soil physical-chemical analyses. Soil samples coordinates were marked with GPS Garmin 60csx and subjected to geospatial distribution analysis. Data collected for climatic (rainfall and temperature) condition and analyzed for soil physio-chemical characteristics were subjected to descriptive statistics (SAS v9.4). Soil properties distribution map were generated with ArcGIS v10.3 using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) techniques. The suitability for millet cultivation in Katsina from the climate and physical-chemical parameters indicates that annual rainfall (604-702mm), elevation (434.75-558.5◦), temperature (26.50-26.99◦C), drainage, erosion, soil depth (0-30cm), soil pH (6.4-6.7), organic carbon (OC, 1.67-2.22%) and organic matter (OM, 0.2-3.0%), and phosphorus (P, 4.40-10.23%) are noted within the acceptable suitability index values (for Class S1 to Class S3), that represent sustainable crop production. While, cation exchange capacity (CEC, 5-15 cmol(+)/kg), total nitrogen (TN, 0.5-5.0%), exchangeable acidity (EC,0.03-0.65ds/m) and effective sodium percentage (ESP, 1.06-1.53%) were noted below average value for crop production. Land suitability Class S1 (highly suitable) covers 1328.40ha which is about 21.19% of the study area. While land suitability Class S2 (moderately suitable) covers 1098ha (17.53% area). The land suitability Class S3 cover 1767ha (28.19% area). Besides that, Class N1 (potentially not suitable) covers about 851.33ha (13.58% area) and, finally Class N2 (potentially and actually not suitable) covers about 1223.08ha (19.51% area) with scores below average of millet requirement. Further, the Class N2 areas marked with rock outcrop and inherent low fertility. Studied area (Katsina) suitability class for crop production as follow: S3>S1>N2>S2>N1. This indicates that, land area under Class S3 (28.19%) requires moderate level of soil amendment to improve millet production. Whereas, Class S2 (17.53%), requires minimal level of soil amendment, whereas Class N1 and N2 with total land area of percentage of 30.09%, requires high input of soil amendment. Therefore, it can be stated that different land unit requires different level of input and land management to facilitate (improve) millet production in Katsina state for sustainable crop production. |
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Title : Effects of over story Tree Litter Quality on Nutrient Release Pattern to the Understory Native Grass Species Authors : Gichuki P. Mwangi, Mworia Mugambi, John Muchiri
Abstract :
Tree litter falls is a major pathway of enhancing nutrients cycling to the understory grass vegetations. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of over-story tree litter quality on nutrient release pattern to the under-story native grass species. A composite sample of freshly fallen leaves was collected. Leaf samples were homogenously mixed and put in nylon litter bags of 2mm mesh size and 25g weight. Each 7 marked points (1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60m) had 3 samples litter bag weighing 25g. A total of 84 litter bags were collected from the adjacent pastures which include 21 litter bags from Eucalyptus, 21 litter bags from Acacia, 21 litter bags from Cypress and 21 samples litter bags from the control. They were taken to the laboratory for litter analysis and later reburied back to the points where they were collected. They were first retrieved from the points they were buried at the end of dry season and later at the end of wet season. Data was summarized using excel package and then analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for window version 22. All the hypotheses was tested at α=0.05. The results of the study show that tree litter quality influences resource supply to the understory native grass pastures. The findings is thought to provide valuable information to National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), community leaders, Kenya Forestry Services (KFS), opinion leaders, extension officers, farmers and NGOs. |
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Title : Perception and Factors Influencing Compliance to Drug Regimen among HIV/Aids Patients Attending Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic in University Of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors : Mary Idowu Edward, Folakemi Beatrice Adumaza, Esther Olayinka Awosika, Atilola Oluwatobi Adekunle
Abstract :
Nigeria has the second largest HIV epidemic in the world. The development and widespread use of antiretroviral drugs in the developed countries leads to transformed perception of HIV/AIDS from fatal incurable disease to a manageable chronic illness. The treatment causes improvement in immunological status and a reduction in viral loads, thus reducing the incidence of hospitalization and mortality. The treatment effectiveness requires a high level of compliance and this can lead to devastating public health problems. The objective of this study was to assess the perception and factors influencing compliance to drug regimen among HIV/AIDS positive patients attending anti-retroviral therapy clinic in University of Medical Science Teaching hospital Akure. A descriptive type of non-experimental design was adopted to investigate the research variables among 80 respondents selected using convenient sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire was used for data collection and same analyzed using descriptive and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. Results showed that 81.3% respondents had good perception about antiretroviral therapy, 96.3% respondents had good compliance with use of their antiretroviral drugs and some of the factors influencing compliance include side effects of the drugs, forgetfulness, drugs being too many and attitude of care providers. There is a significant relationship between level of education and perception about antiretroviral therapy(df=4, p<0.001), likewise significant relationship exists between perception and compliance with antiretroviral therapy(df=1, p<0.001). Therefore, nurses and other health care providers at the clinics should maintain a positive accommodating attitude towards patients as this was a major deterrent to the compliance practices among respondents in the study. |
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Title : Factors Influencing Preconception Care Services Among Women of Reproductive Age at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kisumu Authors : Dorothy Aluoch Oketch, Dr. Daniel Onguru, Dr. Sidney Ogolla, Geoffrey Andrew
Abstract :
Preconception care involves the provision of health interventions to women and couples before conception and aims at improving their health status, reducing behaviors, individual and environmental factors that contribute to poor maternal and child health outcomes. It has potential to further reduce global maternal and child mortality and morbidity, especially in low-income countries where the highest burden of pregnancy-related deaths and disability occurs. Most often, preconception care is rarely delivered to women, and it is often ignored or minimized by both the patient and the provider. The factors contributing to the low uptake have not been extensively revealed, especially in the study region. The main objective of this study was to assess the uptake of preconception care services and associated factors among women of reproductive age at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital. A total of 241 women sampled by systematic random methods answered structured questionnaires, while 20 health care providers served as key informants. Quantitative data was summarized using descriptive statistics, and associations detected by chi-square test. Data findings were then presented using tables, graphs and pie charts. Qualitative data was subjected to content analysis, and themes derived, which were used to triangulate the quantitative results. All statistical analysis was done using SPSS v. 22. The uptake of preconception care services was low (65.8%), and majority were unaware of these services being at the facility. There was low level of knowledge on preconception care services (71.8%), although majority (45.4%) preferred the hospital as the source of information. The factors influencing the utilization of preconception. care services included patient-related factors like chronic diseases, and cultural beliefs and practices, as well as health care provider-related factors like staff shortage, inadequate supplies and resources. There was a significant association between the level of knowledge on preconception care and the age of the woman (p=0.0001), marital status (p=0.01), educational level (p=0.002), and occupation (p=0.001). The uptake of preconception care services was low, with a concomitant low level of knowledge on preconception care services among women. Individual patient and healthcare related factors influence the utilization of preconception care services. The study recommends that the Ministry of Health should ensure the availability of adequate elements of preconception care, while prioritizing public health education on preconception care, empowering the healthcare providers, and involving stakeholders, so as to achieve a robust uptake. |
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Title : Uptake of Preconception Care Services among Women of Reproductive Age at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kisumu Authors : Dorothy Aluoch Oketch, Dr. Daniel Onguru, Dr. Sidney Ogolla, Geoffrey Andrew
Abstract :
Preconception care involves the provision of health interventions to women and couples before conception and aims at improving their health status, reducing behaviors, individual and environmental factors that contribute to poor maternal and child health outcomes. It has potential to further reduce global maternal and child mortality and morbidity, especially in low-income countries where the highest burden of pregnancy-related deaths and disability occurs. Most often, preconception care is rarely delivered to women, and it is often ignored or minimized by both the patient and the provider. The factors contributing to the low uptake have not been extensively revealed, especially in the study region. The main objective of this study was to assess the uptake of preconception care services and associated factors among women of reproductive age at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital. A total of 241 women sampled by systematic random methods answered structured questionnaires, while 20 health care providers served as key informants. Quantitative data was summarized using descriptive statistics, and associations detected by chi-square test. Data findings were then presented using tables, graphs and pie charts. Qualitative data was subjected to content analysis, and themes derived, which were used to triangulate the quantitative results. All statistical analysis was done using SPSS v. 22. The uptake of preconception care services was low (65.8%), and majority were unaware of these services being at the facility. There was low level of knowledge on preconception care services (71.8%), although majority (45.4%) preferred the hospital as the source of information. The factors influencing the utilization of preconception. care services included patient-related factors like chronic diseases, and cultural beliefs and practices, as well as health care provider-related factors like staff shortage, inadequate supplies and resources. There was a significant association between the level of knowledge on preconception care and the age of the woman (p=0.0001), marital status (p=0.01), educational level (p=0.002), and occupation (p=0.001). The uptake of preconception care services was low, with a concomitant low level of knowledge on preconception care services among women. Individual patient and healthcare related factors influence the utilization of preconception care services. The study recommends that the Ministry of Health should ensure the availability of adequate elements of preconception care, while prioritizing public health education on preconception care, empowering the healthcare providers, and involving stakeholders, so as to achieve a robust uptake. |
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Title : Evaluation of the Characteristics of Maritime Security within the Gulf of Guinea Authors : Jatau Solomon Usman, Imrana Abdurrahman
Abstract :
The study analysed the nature of maritime piracy and armed robbery (MPAR) incidents that have occurred within the waters of the 18 Countries that make up the Gulf of Guinea and recommendations are made for the effective tackling of the problem. Documentary method of data collection was adopted to obtain the relevant information in this study. The data used for this research was collected from website of International Maritime Bureau and Nigerian Maritime and Safety Agency (NIMASA) from 2008 – 2018.The data collected were analysed and presented by tabular and graphical forms with the aid of Microsoft Office Excel and Minitab statistical software. Resultsfrom the analysis shows that; Nigeria recorded the highest distribution by types of piracy and armed robbery attacks among the 18 African countries investigated; when compared to the rest of the world, boarding of vessels is highest in the GOG than the rest of the world; most of pirates and armed robbers used guns to attack the vessels during the period studied; across the 18 countries studied within the GoG, Nigeria recorded the highest in the types of violence experienced by crew members on-board vessels during the period studied. The study therefore, recommended that, Nigerian should as a matter of priority establish a Maritime Security Organization to function as the American Coast Guard and be provided with all the necessary resources in line with global standard and initiate a regional cooperation agreement amongst the countries within the Gulf of Guinea for effective synergy and collaboration on security issues within her waters. |
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Title : A Framework for Cloud Computing Adoption by SMEs in Kenya
Authors : Asiema Mwavali
Abstract :
In Kenya, Cloud Computing (CC) is a current advancement, which offers a substantial opportunity for government, Organizations and Individuals to contract out their Information Technology (IT) requirements from other establishments. New technology amongst SMEs has been noted to be low because of numerous obstacles like information generation, processing and dissemination among SMEs and investors. Capital for setting up and sustaining Information Technology is also a big issue. However, Cloud computing if successfully adopted, it is likely going to solve this problem by offering ready and low cost of entry of IT solutions. This study attempts to investigate the level of cloud computing adoption by SMEs within Kenya by employing and utilizing a questionnaire with a convenience sample of 20 SMEs in Nairobi County that collected quantitative data to assist in determining the most applicable framework. The adapted framework is then validated through statistical analysis that confirmed a largely reasonable level of fit for the manifestations and construct legitimacy performing through convergent and discriminant validity methods. The questionnaire instrument was discovered to be trustworthy and data were analyzed where the outcome showed embracing new technology for doing business in Kenya is generally low hence the need for the Kenyan Government to develop a framework that can support the adoption of cloud computing by SMEs. If most of the Kenyan SMEs could have access to scalable technologies, they could potentially deliver products and services that in the past only large enterprises could deliver, flattening the competitive arena. The developed paradigms ideas ware founded on the Technological- Organizational-Innovations paradigms (DOI) these are paradigms that ware mostly utilized to elucidate cloud computing technology embracement. The systematic method of using literature review was employed to get new ideas on how to develop a framework and adopt cloud-computing technology. |
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Title : Histomorphological Assesment of The Effect of Aristolchia Ringens on the Pancreas of Albino Wistar Rats
Authors : I. E. Edet, I. U. Umo, K. A. Okon, G. D. Edem, E. O. Inyang
Abstract :
The use of Aristolochiaringens in Nigeria and other countries in the world for the treatment of several ailments have been reported but not withoutconsequnces such as nephritis, uroepithelialtumorigenesis, urothelial cancer and liver cancerThis plant has an active compound called aristolochic acid which is a potent carcinogen. In this work, histomorphological assessment of aqueous leaf extract of Aristolochiaringens was studied. Twenty adult male albino wistar rats were used for the study. The animals were divided into four groups of five animals each. Group one was the control group and was given 5 ml of distiled water. Groups 2,3,4 were the experimental groups, and were given 47.43 mg, 94.87 mg, and 142.30 mg of Aristolochiaringens extract per kilogram body weight respectively for 21 days. On the 22nd day Animals were euthanized using chloroform inhalation. Pancreas were harvested and fixed in 10% buffered formalin; then processed and stained for histological studies using haematoxylin and eosin stain. Results obtained showed no observable distortion in the histology of the pancreas. Hence, oral administration of aqueous leaf extract of Aristolochiaringens at these dosages for 21 days caused no observable distortion in thecells and tissues of the pancreas. |
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Title : Emotional Intelligence as Correlate of Marital Satisfaction of Married Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Anambra State Authors : Etele Anulika Valentina, Ejichukwu Esther Chinyere, Ifeanyi Mathew Azuji
Abstract :
One of the expected manifestations of a satisfactory marital union is the sense of healthy and constructive interactions, expressions of love to each other as well as intimacy. This study investigated Emotional Intelligence as correlate of marital satisfaction of married teachers in public secondary schools in Anambra State. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study while one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study used a correlational test design. A total of 1,344 married teachers were selected from a population of 6,987 married teachers. The sample was chosen using a multi-stage sampling approach. For data collection, two instruments were used: the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) and the Index of Marital Satisfaction (IMS). The devices are standardised measurements with reliability coefficients of 0.96 for IMS and 0.89 for EIS. The data was gathered using a direct distribution method. The information gathered was analysed using SPSS version 23. To address study questions and test theories, Pearson correlation coefficients and regression analysis were used. The study's findings showed among others that there is a significant low relationship existing between married teachers’ emotional intelligence and their marital satisfaction. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended, the Guidance Counsellors working in schools should organize seminars and workshops for teachers and others staff of the schools to discussed issues and ways of enhancing marital satisfaction. |
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Title : Evaluation of Performance of Flexible and Floating Drum Biogas Digester for Gas Production at Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
Authors : Ede A.O, Nwazunku A.A, Orji S.M, Abonyi I.C, Okereke E.E, Obasi K.O, Amadi C.O.A, Amadi A.N, Nwankwo C.J, Aronu C.N, Mbaegbu N.
Abstract :
An experimental study was carried to test the performance of floating and flexible domestic biogas. Biogas is described as a renewable fuel produced from treatment of waste product. It is rich in methane produced from the fermentation of animal dung, human sewage or crop residues in an air-tight container (digester). The objective of this study was to evaluate the functional and serviceability of the installed domestic biogas in terms of actual feeding versus actual gas production. The laboratory test was carried out at the biotechnology departmental laboratory in Federal University of Technology Owerri. A 90kg of cow dung was weighed with chemical balance and the loading was done in the ratio of 1:1.5 unit volume bases. The domestic biogas parameters were assessed for the performance of the biogas production such as temperature, pH value, ambient temperature and volume of gas produced. The result of this study was recorded between 26 to 31ºC for slurry temperature and 30 to 36ºC for ambient temperature of atmosphere. The PH value of slurry in the floating type was 8.0, 8.1 for flexible type biogas digester and 7.5 was for fresh prepared one. The volume of the domestic biogas produced was 0.06cm3. In this study, the production of domestic biogas was dependent on the following parameter; temperature, pH, solid and ambient temperature. The rate of domestic biogas production was faster at every fresh loaded of cow dung into the digesters. The recommendation in this research study, was to encourage people both rural and urban areas to embrace this technology of waste management. |
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Title : Approaches to enhance Instructional Media Utilization, by Senior Secondary Schools Agricultural Science Teachers in Makurdi L.G.A of Benue State, Nigeria Authors : Ngbongha Innocent Okpa, Akaa charity Wanger, Anthony Yaro
Abstract :
This study examines the approaches to enhance instructional media utilization by senior secondary schools agricultural science teachers. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study.Three objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated for this study. The population was made of eighty nine (89) agricultural science teachers in all the fourty three (43) public and private secondary schools in Makurdi Local Government Area. The population was small hence there was no sampling. A questionnaire titled Instructional Media Utilization Questionnaire (IMUQ) was administered to (89) agricultural science teachers.The respondents were expected to respond to a four pointrating scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree respectively. The questionnaire was administered personally by the researcher with the help of two research assistants. The instruments were returned 100%. The data collected were analyzed using (mean() and standard deviation to answer question 1, 2 and 3 while chi-square was used to analyzed the hypotheses .From the findings of the study, the researcher was able to conclude that instructional media facilities used in teaching and learning of agricultural science are available as reveal in table one. Not all the instructional media materials are accessible. Also a good number of the instructional media materials are not useful except for computer aided instruction.It was therefore recommended that instructional materials available should be put to use to enhanced teaching and learning of agricultural science.The school authority should ensure that all instructional media facilities used in teaching and learning of agricultural science are accessible by the teachers for effective lesson delivery. |
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Title : Role of Stakeholder Analysis on Finance Mobilization: A Survey of Mega Projects in Selected Parastatals in Kenya's Energy Sector Authors : Dr. Ngahu Solomon Thuo
Abstract :
Stakeholders constitute an important part of mega projects. Such include the government, financing institutions as well as the beneficiaries of the projects. Given that these projects are capital investments which require huge sums of money to finance, many are the times when the mobilized funds fall short of the targeted amount. The objective of this article was to assess the influence of stakeholder analysis on finance mobilization for mega projects in energy sector’s parastatals in Kenya. The stakeholder theory guided the study. The study variables were stakeholder analysis and finance mobilization. A descriptive research design was adopted. The population of the study encompassed project managers in charge of 32 selected mega projects in the energy sector as at 2020. Census design was employed which means all the aforesaid managers were involved in the study. A structured questionnaire as well as a collection sheet were used to collect primary and secondary data respectively. The collected data were analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Analysis involved both descriptive statistics, correlation and simple linear regression analyses. The findings indicated that there were diverse stakeholders who were involved in implementation of the aforementioned mega projects, and that the influence of these stakeholders on finance mobilization varied. While primary data analysis revealed a crucial role of stakeholder analysis in mobilization of finances, secondary data analysis underplayed the aforesaid role. The article recommended that parastatals should actively engage all pertinent stakeholders in the mobilization of funds to finance mega projects in the energy sector. |
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Title : Effect of Bank Innovation Capability Dimensions on Market Share of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria
Authors : Omagu I. E., Asikhia O. U., Akinlabi H. B, Makinde G.O.
Abstract :
The high failure rate of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria, has prompted banks, in response to both regulation and changing market dynamics, to resort to innovating around their structures, systems and processes to design products and processes that could help in reducingSMEs’ failure rate. Thus, this study investigated the effect of bank innovation capability on the market share of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted, 5,292 and 27,000 staff of banks with dedicated SMEs’ desks and SMEs’ owner managers respectively were sampled and data collated. Multiple regression analysis was adopted and the result shows that bank innovation capability had positive significant effect on market share (Adj.R2 = 0.175, F(5,493) = 22.054,p<0.05). It was concluded that bank innovation capability affect the market share of small and medium enterprisesand it was recommended that deposit money banks’ managers should extend bank innovation capability dimensions ideas to SMEs’ owners in Nigeria as increased market share can expand their capacities to reach new customers and markets. |
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Title : Hydroethanol Leaf Extract of Cissus Aralioidesalters Oestrous Cycle and Reproductive Hormones in Female Experimental Wistar Rats Authors : Ologhaguo Macstephen Adienbo, Augustine Promise Nwauzoma
Abstract :
Infertility has been a major concern among couples globally, especially in Africawhere herbal therapy is common, without proper assessment of their adverse effects. This study aims at evaluating the effects of Cissus aralioidesreproductive functions.25 adult, regular cycling female wistar rats were divided into 4 groups of 5 rats each; group1(control) receivedwater, treatment groups 2, 3 and 4 received 150, 300 and 600 mg/kg bw of hydroethanol leaf extract of C. aralioides respectively orally for 25 days. oestrus cycle was evaluated daily. On day 26, blood sample was collected for hormonal assay, and ovaries for tissue biochemicalanalysis.Result showed significant (P<0.05)increase incycle length and decreased cycle frequency during the study; significant (P<0.05) decrease inFSH, LH and Estradiol; increased Progesterone, TP, TC, SOD,CATand MDA. We conclude that the extract alters ovarian functions by reducing FSH, LH and estradiol while increasing progesterone, ovarian cholesterol and protein, and therefore alters oestrous cyclicity in rats. |
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Title : Effects of Corona Virus Pandemic on University Students in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya Authors : Karanja Joseph Ndung’u, Dr. Reuben Mutegi
Abstract :
Covid-19 pandemic poses serious concerns to University education in the World. Efforts to contain the spread of Corona virus prompted unscheduled closure of Universities Worldwide. In deed the unplanned Universities closures in Kenya has caused severe problems to students, lecturers, parents and society at large. The study investigated the effects of Corona Virus pandemic on University students. Data was collected through structured questionnaires administered to 200 respondents, where all were university students from Uasin-Gishu County. Findings showed that 57.0% of the students had already paid all the fees and 50.0% suggested that half of their tuition fees should be refunded. 70.0% proposed that Universities should refund half of the accommodation fee, since the semester was half-way spent, so that this amount can cater for needs during the difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic. 33.0% stated that they are using video conferencing platform in learning, 22.0% using zoom,10.0% using Google mails, and 15.0% using WhatssApp. The least used was Telegram and Twitter, where those who never used any digital tools were 10.5% due to internet challenges. 82.0% said that both lecturers and students should wear masks when Universities reopens for face to face learning.51.5% confirmed that their exams were postponed, 11.0% cancelled, 5.0% replaced by continuous assessment and only 32.5% did their exams online and on average 85.7% had no enough infrastructures. Therefore, a lot of infrastructure development are needed in various universities in Kenya. |
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Title : Determinants of Access to Electronic Banking among Agro-Entrepreneurs in Obio/Akpor L.G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria
Authors : Ugwuja V.C, Umeh F. O
Abstract :
This study investigated the determinants of access to electronic banking among agro-entrepreneurs in Obio-akpor Local Government Area in Rivers State. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of Agro- entrepreneurs, identify the various electronic banking products accessed by Agro-entrepreneurs, examine the determinants of access to electronic banking among agro-entrepreneurs, examine constraints to accessing electronic banking products among agro-entrepreneurs in the study area. A two-stage sampling procedure was employed in the selection of 80 Agro-entrepreneurs who were accessing electronic banking products and 80 who were not accessing. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. The result showed that 55.8% were females while 44.2% were male, married individuals (56.7%) were the majority in the study. Most respondents attained secondary education (55.0%). The study also revealed that majority of E-banking products accessed by agro-entrepreneurs were ATM/Debit card, SMS alert and Balance inquiry.The binary logit regression result on the determinants of access to Electronic banking showed thatEase of use, internet access, reliability, Business experience and perceived security risk were significant factors that influence access e-banking products. Constraints to accessing electronic banking products and services include Long queue at ATM, ATM not dispensing cash all the time and poor internet access. The study recommends that money should be readily available on the ATM to reduce the problem of ATM not always dispensing cash at moments when customers need to access these funds. |
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Title : SME’s Marketing Mix Strategies and Corporate Performance during Covid-19 Lockdown: Focus on Adamawa State, North-East Nigeria Authors : Jaafaru Alhaji Umaru, Bello Kamarudeen Babatunde
Abstract :
The unanticipated emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant efforts of governments around the world to control its spread has no doubt affected business operations in several ways, thus necessitating research into its effect on specific aspects of business. The current research examined the contributions of SMEs’ marketing mix strategies towards firm performance during the COVID-19 induced pandemic, with specific focus on SMEs’ in Adamawa State. Drawing from previous literature, a structured questionnaire was developed to measure the four components of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) and firm performance. A set of 50 valid responses were obtained from SME managers, and analysis was conducted using multiple regression analysis via SPSS v.20. Results revealed that product (B = 0.405, t = 2.430, P<0.05) and price (B = 0.247, t = 2.173, P< 0.05) mix strategies had significant positive influences on performance, while promotion (B = 0.134, t = 0.731, P>0.05) and place (B = 0.187, t = 1.054, P>0.05) strategies were shown not to have significant effects on performance. The paper thus recommends that SMEs in Adamawa State should endeavor to revise their promotion and place strategies to conform to the realities of the pandemic and prepare them for similar challenges that may occur in future. |
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Title : Mediating Effect of Job Embeddednesss on the Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment in Taraba State Higher Institutions of Learning. A Conceptual Paper
Authors : Musa Leah, Garba Bala Bello, Aliyu Mukhtardaneji, Aminu K. Kurfi
Abstract :
Today, the issue in organizational commitment can be clearly seen in abseentism of staff, non challant attitude towards work, making other personal business a priority allowing ones primary obligation to suffer. It is quite obvious in academic environment, in an attempt to meet up with family and social needs, most academic staff have side businesses that compete with their research and teaching responsibilities in the school. This has become necessary because the government has failed in its duties to higher institutions, which are constraint that made many academics work under difficult circumstances. This study assesses the mediating effect of job embeddedness on the relationship between work life balance and organizational commitment. Literatures were reviewed related to the variables in the research with consistent findings. This study selected different combination of variables peculiar to Nigerian environment pioneered by previous authors, the selected determinants of quality of work life revealed positive relationship with job embeddedness and organizational commitment. Hence, it is concluded based on the literature reviewed that quality of work life has significant relationship with job embeddedness and organizational commitment. It is therefore advised that employers should encourage employees in the higher institution of learning to be embedded in the organization, because highly embedded employees are needed to achieve improved future organizational commitment. |
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Title : Appraisal of the Impact of Contributory Pension Fund Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria Authors : Nanshuwan Victor Datom, Moses Mancha
Abstract :
The focus of this study is to offer evidence on the impact of contributory pension fund investment by private and public sectors on economic growth in Nigeria spanning from 2004Q1 to 2019Q2using Ordinary Least Square. It is undauntedly obvious from the estimation results that increase in pension fund contribution either from the private or public sector in Nigeria positively and significantly influenced economic growth as the scheme encouraged the release of un-invested funds by channelling excess liquidity into the capital and money markets. Also, the study unravelled that sectoral pension fund contribution has formed huge investment of funds in the capital and money markets than its aggregate thereby creating employment opportunities as well as improving investment climate. The estimation results further revealed that both the private and the public sector whether aggregated or disaggregated, market capitalization and investment in money and capital markets can have an appreciable effect on sustained economic growth in Nigeria. Consequently, this study recommended that Gross Domestic Product statistics reported from Nigeria can be improved upon if the estimates of the unreported (hidden) activities are captured. Furthermore, there is need for existing national statistical agencies to increase their capacities for data collection and documentation processes in order to deepen further analysis and understanding of the informal sector. |
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