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Volume 10 Issue 1

S.No. Title & Authors Page No View

Title : An Assessment of Kenyan Level Four Hospitals Technological Infrastructure for Telemedicine Adoption

Authors : Karisa K. Randu, Alice Nambiro, Juma Kilwake

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There being most of Kenya’s Health professionals leaving the country for more lucrative jobs abroad which results in a severe shortage of medical workers across the country, this gets even worse when it comes to the level four hospitals. This consequently leads the level four hospitals to offer a limited treatment services. By adopting telemedicine, nurses who are employed by the hospital to nurse some of the patients can get assistance from a health care professional who can guide through video conferencing, moreover provides a platform that brings more treatment services to hospitals. Therefore the paper presents an assessment of the level four  hospitals’ technological infrastructure for telemedicine adoption. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data and structured interviews were used to collect qualitative data. The quantitative data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and results were presented using frequency tables, triangulation was used to back up the quantitative data from the qualitative data obtained. The study found out that the level four hospitals possesses just a part of the telemedicine technological infrastructure that can be used to adopt telemedicine at an infancy level. The study recommends that all the computers in the level four hospitals be equipped with a web camera, improve the internet bandwidth, consider installing VOIP software on their computers that are more reliable with better call quality and finally they should consider buying larger LCD screens.


Title : An Assessment of the Potential of Photovoltaic Lithium Solar Cells for Electricity Generation in Katsina State

Authors : Bashir Salisu

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A photovoltaic cell is a specialized semiconductor diode that concerts visible light into direct current(DC).Some PV cell can also convert Infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (U.V) radiation into DC electricity. In this research article a special pyranometer laboratory instrument (containing Prepared sample of Silicon,Si and Lithium,Li on a sample holder) was used to measured/assessed the Solar radiation in katsina state and determine the best /highest potential element between Si and Li in respect of energy production.The samples ware prepared in form of a thin-film using synthesis and characterization. It was stated in the literature silicon have been used industrially over decades in manufacturing photovoltaic cells, but it has a drawback of degrading over time, hence the idea of introducing another element (Li) to replaced it.The results of this research was obtained from three(3) areas of katsina state:viz Daura, Funtua and Katsina.The result shows that: from Funtua loction Lithium thin-film absorbed an extra energy of (4.6 kw/m2) over Silicon, likewise in Daura and Katsina, there is a differences of (4.6 and 5.0) kw/m2 which lithium have over silicon respectively.This gives Lithium priority to be used industrially over silicon.Also this result qulifies katsina state to be a very good location for solar power plant, since the visible light intesity is in good agreement with Standard Surface Solar Irradiation (SSI).


Title : Towards Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery and Adjustments in Ebonyi State: The Role of Government Appointees in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Authors : Dr. J.K.J Okonkwo

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The study examined the impact of the novel disease called Covid-19 on the socio-economic life of the people of Ebonyi State, nay Nigeria and the world; and prescribed some measures aimed at alleviating the impact of the disease during and mostly after the pandemic. The major objective was to suggest means of economic recovery and adjustments after the pandemic. Citizens of Ebonyi State including political appointees, legislators, members of the judiciary, public servants, etc were personally interviewed. Online and offline libraries were visited. The study found that there exist a number of programmes and policies put in place by both the Ebonyi State and Nigeria governments which if properly managed and accessed are capable of leading to a fast economic recovery after the covid-19 pandemic.


Title : Family Care and Social Support: Implication for Wellbeing of the Elderly in Balewa Local Government Area, Bauchi State Nigeria

Authors : B.Godiya, S.N.O. Ibe, C.R. Nwufo, J.C. Luther, T.C Ezeudoye

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Family care and support among the elderly in developing countries had recently been viewed as inadequate and negatively affecting the wellbeing of the elderly. This study determined family care andperceived social support among the elderly in Tafawa Balewa Local Government Area, Bauchi State Nigeria. Descriptive study design was employed for the study and a multi-stage systematic sampling technique was used to select three hundred and twenty three respondents(323) aged 65 years and above froma target population of 6,624.The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire and data were analyzed using SPSS (version 21). The chi-square was used to test relationship and level of significance was set at p-value of 0.05. More respondents belonged to age group 65 -69 years 186 (57.59%). Males were179 (55.42%), most were married 296 (91.64%), none was single and none was divorced. More were professional teachers before retirement (214,   66.25%).Only 56 (17.34%) lived with their children but 189 (58.51%) respondents preferred being visited by family members than others. 147(45.51%) were not visited by children in the last one year.Majority, 269(83.28%) usually had family member clean their environment and clothes but only 14(4.33%) had such assistance on daily basis.More respondents (243, 75.23%) said family members showed emotional concern about their health always,while 203(62.85%) said they received financial support from their children.More respondents perceived all the dimensions of social supports needed by the elderly as stated positively.The study concluded that fewer elderly lived to 85years and above and family care and support to the elderly were mainly from children than other family members, and this support was less than adequate. There was need to encourage family members to care for the elderly in this society where there is no social security policy for the elderly. Efforts should be directed towards encouraging social support for the elderly in communities to reduce boredom and social isolation. Social security policy should be put in place to improve wellbeing of the elderly.


Title : Causes of gender-based Domestic Violence during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria

Authors : Afu M. O.

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The study investigated Causes of gender-based Domestic Violence during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria. The study coveredall the residents in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria. The study aims at investigating the incidences of gender-based violence, find the causes of gender-based violence and find the effects of gender-based violence. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents from the six (6) Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The population was 3,277,740 residents in Abuja. A sample size of 384 respondents was used for the study. A self-structured questionnaire titled: Gender-Based Violence Questionnaire (GBVQ)was used to collect data for the study. The validity and reliability of the instrument were determined by experts in the field and test-retest technique was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. Data collected were analysed through frequency count and means scores. Findings from the study revealed that there are high consequences including psychological trauma. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that spouses should ensure that the unique marital relationship is placed above any prejudice, irritations and should never allow sentiments to tear it apart.


Title : Wireless Sensor and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks for the Internet of Things: A Survey

Authors : Raphael Agong

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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a type of network that belong to an ad hoc network. An Ad hoc network is a peer to peer networks involving wireless technology using radio frequency ranges to communicate to nodesfor MANETs or motes WSN with the correct identification (user id). These networks can be used in places where access is difficult or dangerous like war fields. Some of these networks can be used to monitor long events or behaviors. In this paper twenty-four journals published between 2007 and 2020 on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Internet of things (IoT), and Wireless Sensor Networks reviewed with their futuristic technology and trends identified. Sensors and wireless technologies are taking centre stage in modern communication, control, and management of equipment. The future of wireless network is very bright emerging from 2G to cellular then to IoT.

WSNs and MANETs have unlimited progression in modern technologies. Most communication equipment, entertainment, error detection, prediction equipment, and many more base their input from sensed signals. This places them at greater heights in modern technology usage.


Title : The Current Phishing Techniques - Perspective of the Nigerian Environment

Authors : Palang Nicolyn Mangut, Kalamba Aristarkus Datukun

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Phishing has continued to be a tool in the hands of the cybercriminals. APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group) trend report of 2020 first quarter revealed a rise in phishing websites particularly in the month of March, taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to affect the most vulner­able of the times. Likewise second quarter reports attack­ers deploying more sophisticated measures to deceive users and having 78% of phishing sites using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protection. This shows continuity in perpetration and sophistication of phishing attacks. This paper explored recent phishing trends, reviewed some work carried out by the research community, identifying methods to detect and mitigate the scourge. A particular focus was analysing the Nigerian envi­ronment putting into considerations some of the factors that affect the society to determine common phishing ap­proaches used by actors and most targeted community. Data from World Bank, ITU (International Telecommunication Un­ion) and Nigerian regulatory institutions were used. The study identified Vishing and Smishing categories as most popular attack vectors in contrast to developed economies experiencing high incidences reported in email and other similar mediums. This knowledge will create better understanding to factors that can make phishing attack types more unique to certain regions and thus tailor researchers’ direction for finding solutions in the areas most needed.


Title : Lack of Medical Equipment is a Hindrance to Universal Health CoverageUtilization; the case of Seme Sub County in Kisumu County, Kenya

Authors : Hellen Ojwang, Dr. Daniel Onguru, Dr. David Otieno, Dorice Owuocha, Raphael Atito

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Many countries have been putting more effort in Universal Health Coverage through strengthening health systems to provide affordable, safe and high quality care. The Kenya government prioritized attainment of Universal Health Coverage which aimed at relieving citizens from out of pocket expenditure on health services, though faced with challenges of staffing and inadequate medical equipment for proper implementation.This was a descriptive cross sectional study design which examined the influence of medical equipment on utilization of Universal Health Coverage. The study targeted both community members and health facility managers. The health facilities were stratified according to their levels of care and randomly selected. The catchment population was stratified by administrative locations and a proportionate sampling technique applied giving a computed sample size of 377 participants, determined by Fischer’s formula. The descriptive statistics were organized and summarized using tables and charts, while logistic regression analysis determined relationship between variables. The availability of functional equipment influenced utilization of UHC as a patient is more likely to use UHC card if medical equipment devices are available (OR = 2.08, 95%CI = 1.37 - 3.17, p=0.001). Medical Equipment devices have direct significant influence on utilization of UHC services by community members.


Title : Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Healthcare Workers and Their Attitudes Towards Older People in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors : John Kipruto, Wilson Kiptala, Shikuku Mulambula

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The purpose of the study was to investigate socio-demographic characteristics of health care workers’ and their attitudes towards older people in Nairobi, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: evaluate the influence of age and level of education of healthcare workers on their attitude towards older people and examine the influence of experience of healthcare workers on their attitudes towards older people. The study was guided by Ajzen and Fishbein’s Theory of Reasoned Actionand Townsend’s Structured Dependency Theory. The ontology was post-positivism and the epistemology was realist/objectivist. The research method was quantitative. The research design was ex-post-facto. Random sampling, stratified and purposive sampling were applied. Data was generated using questionnaires. A 60-item Attitudes Towards Older People Scale (ATOPS) was the main instrument for data generation. A total of 295 participants, responded to the Questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages. The findings revealed that there was a statistically significant influence of their level of education on their attitudes towards older people; it also revealed that there was a significant influence of healthcare workers’ experience on their attitudes towards older people. It recommended that Geriatric curriculum should be developed to correct misunderstandings and improve the attitudes of health care workers toward older people.


Title : Assessment of Tinea Capitis’ Exposure, Knowledge and Preventive Behavior among Residents of Teso South Sub County, Busia County

Authors : Ogombo Concilia M , Wanzala Maximilla, Were Tom

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The study focused on exposure, knowledge and preventions behaviour of Tinea Capitis skin disease among residence of Teso South Sub County of Busia County Kenya.  In 2017, Global burden of disease (GBD) placed fungal skin diseases 4th on the top 10 most prevalent diseases worldwide, of which Tinea capitis is one of the fungal skin infections. From Busia County- Kenya, Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2018-2023 report, skin diseases was 3rd leading cause of morbidity in the county with 6.5%; of which Tinea capitis was one of the skin diseases, compelling the study to assess exposure, knowledge and prevention behaviour of residence. A cross sectional descriptive study design was adopted; multi stage sampling techniques was employed. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  The study revealed that 79% were exposed to Tinea capitis, 54.6% had good knowledge on Tinea capitis while 59.6% presented poor prevention behaviour. There was association of exposure with knowledge on Tinea capitis; and no association of knowledge with prevention behaviour in the community. The exposure percentages were high indicating prevalence of the skin disease.  The respondents were knowledgeable on signs and symptoms, and transmission of the disease, but less knowledgeable on the cause and risk factors of Tinea capitis. Poor prevention behaviour was noted and could be attributed to poor economic status as this increased sharing of basic equipment and facilities that exposed them more. Also, lack of higher education in the community presented by almost a quarter of the study respondents who had attained post-secondary education could as well be associated to the poor prevention behaviour. 


Title : Assessment of Teaching Performance in Mathematics among Early Childhood Care Education Pre-service Teachers during Teaching Practice

Authors : Emenyonu Chibunna, Unamba Eugene Chukwuemeka, Akaraonye James

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This study assessedteaching performance in Mathematics among early childhood care education Pre-service teachers during teaching practice. Based on the purpose of the study two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. The population of the study consisted of all the 300 level final year NCE early childhood care education pre-service teachers. The sample size of the study was made of 222 pre - service teachers involving 119 males and 103.  The instrument used for data collection was Teaching Practice assessment form. Face and content validity were done by one expert in mathematics education and two experts in measurement and evaluation. The internal consistency of the items was established to be 0.88 using Cronbach alpha reliability statistics method. The data generated were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions while t - test was used to testthe hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated that teaching performance of the pre-service teachers was at the high extent, mean score on parameters of assessment are high on skill of classroom management strategies and communication skill while there are low mean scores on Quality of lesson preparation, skill of evaluation and teacher personality attitude and values and very low mean score on preparation, presentation and development of lesson and  the inter-rater reliability was found to be valid percent (66.7%) irrespective of gender performance. The major recommendations were thatthe supervisors of the pre-service teachers should be trained on the effective use of Teaching Performance Assessment Form in order to obtain reliable assessment scores.
